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Solar differential controller with wiz812mj

by 루카오리 2014. 11. 6.

??태양광을 이용한 차동 컨트롤러(온도차등 컨트롤러)를 구축하기 위해 프로토 타입으로 아두이노를 사용하는 오픈 소스 프로젝트이다. cloud service인 xively를 이용하여 상태를 확인 할수 있도록 구현하였다.

고가의 프로젝트를 위해 프로토타입으로 미리 제작해보고 구현하는 것은 좋은 방법이라 알고만 있지, 실제로 시도해보지 못하는 방법인데, 이렇게도 쓸수 있구나 하는 생각이 드는 프로젝트이다.

실제로 sourece, parts, circuit가 공개되어있기때문에 사용하는데 어려움은 없을것이라 생각된다.


What is the Differduino?
The Differduino is an open source project that uses the Arduino proto-typing platform to build a solar differential controller. The code is compatible with any arduino that uses the atmega328 microprocessor, including clone circuits. 
The Differduino is made to communicate with the free graphing site, www.cosm.com. 

Cosm provides a very simple and reliable way to do your data-logging, where your system graphs can be accessed online from any internet connection. Data-logging is not only interesting, but also beneficial as you can visually see the performance of your system and be alerted to any potential problems, or room for improvement in efficiency, etc. Cosm also makes it possible to easily remote control the Differduino, so the control variables can be adjusted from anywhere you have an internet connection. 

What's a differential controller?
A Temperature Differential Controller is a basically a thermostat. They are used in thermal energy systems to decide when to cycle heat, or when to collect available heat, or both at the same time.  Your home thermometer is a differential controller that decides when to cycle heat, based on the differencebetween the desired temperature, and the actual measured temperature. A solar differential controller decides when to cycle based on the difference in tank temperature vs collector temperature. Most modern solar controllers allow the user to set a max tank temperature. Even better controllers will log data. 

The brains of a modern differential controller (or your coffee maker) is a microcontroller. It's basically a small, programmable computer on a single microchip. The Arduino is a platform for hobbyists and do-it-yourselfers that makes it easy to harness the power of microcontrollers for our own projects. They can be programmed for projects as complex as an autonomous flying machine, or a simple as blinking an LED. And since both the hardware and software of Arduino is open source, lots of code and arduino clone circuits can be found on the internet. 

Where to start
First off, you don't have to be a programmer or electrical engineer. If you're an all around do-it-yourselfer who is not afraid to attempt something new, you can probably learn how to use and program duino's. It can get very complex, but it's also not that hard to get some simple code working for you. Since Arduino is open source, the web is full of examples, guides, and many forums with others willing to help. 

If you're completely unfamiliar with the Arduino prototyping platform, start here. 
Get and properly assemble a Differduino. The Differduino is a fully compatible Arduino Duemilanove clone. Of course, if you prefer, you can order a commercial Arduino. They are not expensive and offer the quickest, easiest way to get started learning Arduino.

Do a tutorial project or three.
 It is very helpful to be at least somewhat familiar with how arduino code works, that way your are better prepared to alter the code per your requirements. The smallest mistakes, like a missing bracket, can cause your program not to work, so it helps if you know what your looking at.




Home : http://www.nateful.com/home.html
Source :http://www.nateful.com/differduino/differduino_code.html
Circuit :http://www.nateful.com/differduino/differduino_circuit.html
Parts :  http://www.nateful.com/differduino/differduino_parts.html


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